Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Imagery of Work

The kids and I sit on the living room floor searching old print magazines for their individual classroom assignments when Magda asks, “What do humans need to survive Momma?”

“Ah, water. Food. Hmm, why are you asking?” I mutter while flipping the pages of Mary Jane Farm scouring images for pigs, pies, or anything that begins with the letter, P –TT’s kindergarten class’s letter of the week.

Magda elaborates, “Miss Debra says we should bring in pictures of things humans need every day. I know we need water already Momma.! Do we need cell phones?” she asks excitedly.

“Ah, no dear, we do not need cell phones to exist.” Surprised that she suggested a mobile is requisite for life on Earth, I add, “Grandpa Chuck doesn’t have a cell phone and he’s very much alive.” 'Though he might be the only person I know without one.' I think to myself.

“What about vegetables or fruit?” I suggest.

“Those are too easy Momma. Ah, TT! Here! I found a picture for you—a man in a suit—it’s a “Person”!” she announces enthusiastically while ripping the page from its glue.

He smiles and proceeds to cut the man, ah person, out with scissors.

“I got it! We need WORK! Here are TWO pictures of work Momma!”